The Logical Universe ©

A Theory of Everything

  * A Unification of all 5 forces
* Universal Dark Matter Particles
* A Unified Construction of all Material Existence

* The Spatial Existence of Matter and Magnetism

* Fusion / Fission / Star Birth / Star Death / Black Holes or Stars?
* The Vast Expanse of Space that allows for the transmission of X-Rays, Light, Heat, Gravity and Magnetic Streams

Richard E Knower and


To Understand the Universe all you need to do is to correctly realize 6 things
Matter - Energy - Space - Time - Existence and Nothing.

welcome (youtube videos)  - The New Flagship of TLU with a different introduction.

There is new thinking about Matter, Space, Energy and Time.  Starting from scratch TLU presents a brand new theory that is radically different but complies with all we know. Do I have a story to tell you. It's about the Universe. I know, I know, you think it's going to be complicated but bear with me. I assure you this just may change everything. Yes, the Universe is complex, but is it complicated? No. With a little understanding and an open mind, the Cosmos will become clear and alive. Do you have questions? We have answers. In fact, it explains a lot of mysteries and puts everything together in a way that makes sense. No complicated mathematics, just the culmination of science and logic. I have gone to great lengths to keep the language in an easily understandable dialogue. I wanted everyone to be able to figure out what's going on, not just the privileged few. Is this a Theory, Hypothesis, Philosophy, Dribble, Word Salad? You decide. Who knows, you just may become a lover of science just like Galileo, Newton, Einstein or Hawking.

In 2008 I was not happy with the standard model of the Universe. There were too many discrepancies. Everything was a hodgepodge of information. It made some sense, but then again it didn't. Nothing added up and it was a stretch to fit everything together. Every time I asked myself, would Nature have taken that path in its evolution? The answer was, no. There must be a better way.

Here's what I did. I started from scratch and put all theory's on the table along with their definitions and mathematics. I threw out popular beliefs, bias, prejudice and even in some instances mathematics that depended on controversial theories. Everything in the Universe was scrutinized, and nothing was taken for granted. I laid a new foundation on which to build. I discovered that mathematics had too much importance because it didn't take into account evolution, or the path of least resistance, so, I had to reprioritize and establish new criteria.

First on the list was known and confirmed science. Next was undisputed observations. You can't deny observable science. 3rd was relativity. It had to fit precisely into the Universe and be relative to all things. Next came evolution. It had to be explainable by a logical progression of time. The Universe certainly evolves, and nothing can be the same as it was moments ago. Now came mathematics, but it had to be compatible with evolution, not self-indulgent. Lastly, the whole theory has to fit together and make sense. Like a giant jigsaw puzzle. Little by little a new way of thinking evolved and it became self-perpetuating.

The more I thought about it increased my excitement. This is because well known and established problems like Gravity and Magnetism, just disappeared. Light and Magnetic waves now made perfect sense. The association of expansion, contraction, with heat, magnetism, gravity and anti-gravity, is no longer a mystery. And finally, the extreme attraction, repulsion force of all existence, has a plausible conclusion. The Logical Universe has become more than a Hypothesis about the Cosmos, it has turned into a "Theory of Everything." Because of its profound implications, it is far too important to keep to myself, so I decided to share it with anyone who would listen. Here is what I have found out.



Matter / Mass / Space

Energy / SML

Big Bang - Before - After


The Expanse

Universal Particle

Particle Evolution / Protons Quarks

Magnetism / Magnetic Force

The Atom

Quantum Fields

Dark M / Dark E / Anti-G

Gravity / Weight

Fusion / Sun Spots

Star Birth / Star Gravity

Death of Stars


Black Star or Black Hole

Light X Gamma Waves
Polarized Magnetic Waves


The Particles of Accelerators


Quantum Mechanics



The 4 Forces

Polarized Space

Michelson - Morley - Hubble

Spectra Lines / Red Shift

James Webb Telescope

Cosmic Collisions

The Adoescent Universe
Logic Artificial / Biological Intelligence

  Biological Life and Death
A Universal God
Grand Unified theory Conclusion

* Site edit for July 2024

Running thru all pages and updating videos. Will this be the year that Physics discovers the true nature of Dark Matter / Dark Energy / Gravity / Anti-Gravity / Magnetism / Magnetic Force / Matter / Mass? * We have one more surprise to add to our Universal knowledge, Primal Matter / Primal Space / Primal Universe and non-polarized Space!

* This website is dedicated to finding the true nature of everything. We do not use FS (fantasy science) or BS (bias science), instead we use Verifiable Observations, Logic, Evidence and Plausibility. There is no such thing as a Wizard waving his hands, and then poof... the creation of matter from pure energy of a Singularity. Also, Black Holes in a vast expanse of nothing, Time Travel, the expansion force of Dark Energy, Photons and the Warping of Space-Time, all fall into the FS category. This is just wishful thinking to join the unknown with the "Standard Model."  Black Holes, Time Travel etc. do not possess in any way credible evidence.

As you navigate thru the Logical Universe Theory, you will notice there are multiple explanations to verify the relativity of all conclusions. Not just because someone with a string of degrees said, the universe had to have started with an infinitely small, singularity of pure energy, and no matter. (definition - string of degrees: notifications of order and compliance, in other words, pier reviewed). TLU says, these people most certainly are wrong. This is because they base there conclusions on a flawed foundation. TLU doesn't take anyone's assumptions without compelling evidence. Here at TLU, we built a new Model from known science, relativity, evolution, mathematic plausibility and logic. We went where no one has gone before, but this time, with no Miracles, Magic or Fantasy. You have to get the Big Bang right or else, it all falls apart. The Logical Universe (Unified Theory), has a rock solid foundation. It is not based on un-verifiable evidence. 

Finally, we ask for your patience because, as you know, The Logical Universe is a work in progress.  In May of 2021 TLU had a critical update that unified the theory. Now all basic phenomena have better definitions, and fit precisely together. This would be the Speed of Light, Gravity, Anti-Gravity, Dark Energy, Nothing, Matter, Dark Matter, Magnetic Space, Mass, Energy and Time. As I continually check the Web Site for type O's and small errors, I surely find them. When I do they get edited immediately. So, a few video's may, from time to time become out of date for a few days, but, all do get updated ASAP. And last, I don't foresee any new, major theory changes or discoveries. If there are any, you will read about them here first.


Richard E Knower

young me



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Don't Believe what you were told to believe, use the "Golden Rule of Knowledge." (Encyclopedia 40.5)

 Is it possible to Reach "The Impossible Dream" TLU says, Yes...