Logical Universe

Grand Unification Theory


It has been observed with little doubt, that space is Expanding and is not a Static State. So, it is logical to assume that the Universe as we know it, had a beginning. Lets dive right in and talk about this.

No other theory has dared to tackle this philosophy and prediction because of its complexity and unknowns, but, it can be done. TLU is not only a theory about Creation and Expansion, it is a theory that Unites all forces. (A Unified Theory) (a plausible theory of everything).  

Here is a List of Things and Events that have new definitions, and now fit precisely together.
There are no known conflicts - TLU

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  Matter / Anti-Matter
Primal Matter (Sand Configuration)
Universal Particles - Dark Matter Particles - (UDMP's)
Mass / Density Mass Index - (DMI)
Energy / Movement  - Active / Potential
Thermodynamics / Heat
Magnetic Lock - (SML)
Centrifugal Force - (Artificial Gravity)
Time - Local / Universal
Knowledge / Intelligence / Consciousness / Reality
Currents - (Pulling Gravity) (Pushing Dark Energy) (Pulling Pushing Heat)
Waves - Push-Pull - Magnetic - Light and Heat
Magnetic Spatial Force / (Polarized  / Non-Polarized)
The Expanse / Existence - (Matter + Magnetism)
Regular Stars / Neutron Stars / Black Stars
Big Bang / Singularity - Universal Transformation
Nothing - / Not Anything / Nothing at all / no Magnetism no Matter
Streaming - Energy / Matter / OCWS / OMWS / OPWS
5 Forces - Strong / Weak / Gravity / Anti-Gravity / Magnetism
Polar Jets - Neutron Stars / Pulsars / Quasars / Black Stars
Neutron Bomb - Atomic Bomb
Filters of Dark Matter Streaming Energy (Optical Plane and Em Polarized) they are separate and different
The Ability to Combine Matter with Magnetism
Expanding / Contracting Space without changing the amount of Matter
Evolution / Beginning / Progression / End
Quantum Torus Fields / Quantum Ring Fields
Fission - Atomic Nucleus / Quantum Fields
Fusion of Quantum Fields / Fusion of Open Torus Strings
Proton / Electron / Neutron and the Closed Torus Strings / Open Torus Strings
Elements / Star / Galaxy Creation
Gravity - A Pulling Current  / Anti-Gravity - A Pushing Wave
Creation - Proton, Electron, Neutron, Neutrino (PENN particles)
Creation and Property's of Quarks, Leptons, Bosons, Hadrons and Fermions (QLBHF particles)
Gravitational Lensing - (Magnetic Refraction) (UDMPS density, Skewing Light Streams)
Speed of light - (Time / Density Sensitive)
Lasers - (Synchronized Light)
Big Inflation / Deflation
Magnetism - (A flexible spatial force with height width and depth, polarized and non-polarized)
Electromagnetism - (Electrons and a Magnetic flow)
Primal Space (no UDMP's) / Primal Universe. (no UDMP's)
Polarized Space, UDMPS. (Universal DM Particle Sea)
Physical Existence (Fact) and Perceived Existence (reasoned acknowledgment)
Life / Death / God



Creating a Universe that works is not as hard as it looks. All You have to do is correctly explain these things and events, then, put them in the right order. Not like they are here. I'll bet after you read TLU's Theory you can do it...  Clue, Here at The Logical Universe, I didn't try and fit these predictions with the current universal understanding. The Standard Model has too many holes to be the final answer. This is precisely why I took a different road. The specific contradictions of the Standard Model are presented in Encyclopedia V. (right after the Levels of Creditability).

After 70 years of research and countless hours of trial and error, a tiny part of the Cosmos became evident. It was the discovery that Matter can not be created from Energy. Simply put, Einstein got it wrong. (b) Oh boy now I'm in trouble. Nobody is going to believe this. Then again I say to hell with it. After 82 years of living, what do I have to lose? What is right is right, and what is wrong is wrong, I am no longer concerned about who agrees or disagrees. The Universe doesn't care who knows what, it is the evidence of confirmed science, observations, relativity, evolution, mathematics and logic that's the deciding factor. If they all have a common thread with no conflicts or unproven fantasy's, it should be a done deal. (c) TLU presents the Universe with no mathematics, no holes, no matter creation from pure energy, no pure energy from depleted matter, no vast expanse of nothing and no beginning and no end. The Universe is all there is, and all there will ever be. It is the perpetual existence of, Material and it's Spatial Polarized / Non-Polarized Force. That's it... and that's all there is... Please don't get mad, I am just the messenger. If there is a different theory that fits all the criteria of TLU, I certainly will change my mind.



If you can correctly identify Matter and Energy, and how they function together.

If you know what Magnetism and a Polarized / Non-Polarized Spatial Force is, and how it works.

 You have all the knowledge to build a Universe...




Home    Encyclopedia     Matter / Mass / Space    Energy / SML    Big Bang    Time     The Expanse     Universal Particles     James Webb Telescope     Edwin Hubble    4 Fundamental Forces

Magnetism / Magnetic Force   Electricity    The Atom     Quantum Fields    Dark Matter / Anti-Gravity / Dark Energy    Heat / Thermodynamics    Polarized Space   Cosmic Collisions

Fusion / Sun Spots     Star Birth / Star Gravity     Death of Stars     Fission     Black Stars    Light, X, Gamma Waves    Polarized Magnetic Waves   Particle Evolution   Red Shift   Gravity   AI

Fission Particles / Accelerators   Quantum Mechanics    Interferometry     Antimatter     The Adolescent Universe    Life and Death    Logic    Grand Unification Theory   A Universal God    