Black Holes?
# The Standard Model - (not suported by a Grand Unified Theory) - Black Holes - Large super structures with an extreme gravitational force. They are a hole in "Space-Time" which accounts for its super gravitational pull. They attract matter and tear it into energy before it disappears into God knows where. It is a possible link to different dimensions, or, different parts of the Galaxy. It also distorts Time. TLU says, Oh Boy! Where's the evidence?

TLU - Stellar and Galactic Black Holes violate all laws of Physics, Mathematics and Logic, but, Black Stars do Not!

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Black Stars 

The Event Horizon Telescope image of M 87 central mass. You can not see the Black Star because in the center of the picture, Space around the star is so dense it cant vibrate in the light or Polarized Spectrum, but it's still there. Internal Black Star Compressed distorted Polygons.
There is no Rotation, Gravity, Magnetism, Light, or Movement, but, there is extreme Potential Energy!
Black Stars / Compacting Space / Matter

* Black Stars - Spheres of ultimate concentrated universal particles, with extreme gravity, extreme potential energy, and an impenetrable magnetic containment field. These objects violate no rules, and preserve the Conservation of Matter and Energy.

Black Stars are created when a super massive star ends its life in a colossal explosion of peripheral fields, resulting in an extreme expansion force that compresses and tears apart its inner structure. Because of high inward streaming particles, Dark Energy Currents has broken magnetic bonds of atoms, protons, neutrons and electrons and left behind only very small Universal Particles. Since the massive star was spinning when the outer band exploded, it increased the rotation of the whole body. This created a multi-layered structure of energy. Perimeter universal particles have more mobility than the inner ones. These perimeter particles can now align with the new compacted body, and its faster rotation, thus creating super strong magnetic Torus and Ring fields in surrounding space. Traveling inward towards the core of the new Black Star, universal particles would gradually become stationary.

When a newly created Black Star interacts with mass from space, it breaks material magnetic bonds of approaching structures to the UDMP level and consumes them. This adds more universal particle spheres to its perimeter, and its inner body becomes more compact. This forces internal particles into a state like no other in the universe. They become polygons. With polygons, there is little or no internal / external movement, and spin energy is not possible. They have become small distorted particles, with the highest extreme inward pressure. They are at the end of measureable existence and have the greatest known potential energy. They cannot become holes. The only option they have, is, at some point they must expand. This is because Matter can not be created or destroyed...

At this point, we have arrived at an incredible part of The Logical Universe Theory. This theory predicts that In the interior of a Black Star there is no gravity, magnetism or heat, just ultimate compression between particles and enormous stored energy. It seems the Black Star consumes matter and energy and then stores it. All the gravitational attraction of the star takes place at the surface where spin and magnetism is at its greatest strength. This creates a growing magnetic chaining of  Universal Dark Matter Particles and a containment field. Gravity gradually subsides as you approach the core where the ultimate compression of matter exists. In the interior, the former universal particles have no movement and are forced molded with a different kind of stored energy. (distorted structures with only expansion potential).

Black Stars have the ultimate gravity because of the increase in density of dark matter currents from the star, thus increasing gravitational power. This produces a high energy "Accretion Disk" and "Pole Jet" that's associated with the star. Approaching structures lose magnetic lock thus creating smaller particles such as Protons, Neutrons, Quarks Leptons Bosons, along with basic Dark Matter Particles. (b) If only UDMP's are approaching the star, the accretion disk would have less Light, Heat and Magnetic Energy, but, if there are large chunks of matter like moons and planets, the accretion energy could become enormous. This is because the super small gravity currents would tear apart magnetic bonds thus releasing copious amounts of energy. (c) When only Universal Particles exit the accretion disk and are pulled even closer to the star, the particles cease to vibrate in the light spectrum. This is because the medium space has a much higher density. This in turn, produces what you have been told to expect, (1) an accretion disk, (2) an area where gravity prevents light from escaping, but here's the kicker; where there should be a Hole, there is a Star. Oh-My!  TLU says that this is because Matter, can not be created or destroyed...

It is possible for some matter or subatomic matter to exit a Black Star but only when in the process of being ripped apart. It can exit via the rotational axis points because of centrifugal forces that create Torus Fields. The reconfiguring of matter is a highly energetic process and is why Quasars are so bright, or when Black Stars are active.

The amount of energy released from Black Star encounters, depends on the type of structural encroachment. Gas would have a minimal energy release, Meteors, a larger one, Planets and Stars bigger yet, and finally, a Neutron Star would most certainly have a cataclysmic energetic encounter.

TLU -  Finally an interesting foot note. The denser the approaching structure, the closer it can get to the Black Star before it gets ripped apart. (like a Neutron Star).


Black Stars
and Polar Jets

# This is suppose to be a Black Hole that fits with the Standard Model.
As you can see there is no place for a Polar Jet or Magnetic Flow.
So this graphic must be classified as a concept.
It was most likely created to fit with Einstein's Universe.

M87 Galaxy with an active central Black Star


Explanation M87 - The Accretion Disk and Event Horizon are not really visible in the center of this M87 Galaxy image. On the other hand, you can definitely see a round luminous disk and black dot with a jet of light emitting from the center. This gives us the illusion of an Accretion Disk and Polar Jet. It fits perfectly with what TLU has been theorizing. In reality, this image is just far too big to qualify as an Accretion Disk and its central Black Interior, but the Jet is real.  This is just a photographic illusion of the center of  the M87 Galaxy, enhanced to perceive an event. We only use this image to illustrate the concept of Black Stars and their environment.

Polar Jet - (A material and magnetic flow). There is only one polar jet complex emanating from galactic body's or structures, like Neutron stars, Pulsars Galaxy's and Black Stars. This phenomena at the basic level, is none other than the force of magnetic space, produced by spinning body's like atoms in magnets. When you scale up this phenomena, it creates a North and South Pole and chaining of UDMP's and material in space. (Torus fields). This also produces a one way magnetic flow that can be observed if the particles in the flow vibrate in the light spectrum.

* (b) Now for an important observation and prediction that complies with all we know. TLU has a question, So why do so-called Black Holes in the center of some galaxy's have a jet, that emanates for quite a distance in space? Answer, they don't. Black Holes if they exist, would not be able to create this phenomena. This is because theorized Black Holes have only one hole. Particles and their energy only go in, and not out from the same hole. Theorized Black Holes consume Matter and Energy but where it goes, nobody knows. (a Belief). On the other hand, Black Stars are not subject to this dilemma. This is because Black Stars spin and create an enormous gravitational attraction, with two magnetic holes and a one way flow in, out, and around its body. Why? Because Black Stars are spinning in a medium and not Empty Space. (c) One more thing; don't forget that the medium of space is also subject to the Density Mass Index. (the high spin attraction force of Gravity and the opposite pushing force of Anti-Gravity). This accounts for the increase gravity and decreasing spatial mass of the Black Star, and, the decreasing gravity but increasing spatial mass of the polar jet. (d) Conclusion: Polar Jets of Black Holes are a Belief with little or no evidence, but, Polar jets of Neutron Stars, Pulsars, Quasars and Black Stars that have a magnetic flow, are a certainty. This prediction fits precisely with the Logical Universe Theory, and there are no known conflicts. Sorry Black Hole fans, you must provide more proof of their existence. Just calling it a hole in space-time is not enough evidence.



Black Star Destiny
Decaying Orbits
Pressure Waves

Black Stars in a Gravitational Dance

The Magnetic force of Gravity in a Torus Configuration
These stars will merge


* TLU exclusive - Magnetic attraction and merging methodology is an extremely important event in the Logical Universe Theory. This is because it predicts the behavior of Stars encountering Black Stars, or Neutron Stars encountering each other. Then there are Neutron Stars that are caught by black ones. And finally, there is the all important merging of Black Stars. (b) Regular Stars that encounter black ones, result in a catastrophic destruction of the regular star. On the other hand, Neutron Stars that encounter each other, join. (c) Continuing up the Density Mass Index, when a Neutron star encounters a black one, there certainly would be another catastrophic event. (d) And finally, there are the all important Black Stars. These body's resemble Black Holes in many ways, but they are not. This is because matter can not be created or destroyed. When Black Stars are caught in a gravity dance, it results in a merger and no catastrophic explosion, this is because they have the same configuration and the same DMI. So, there would be no potential energy release. This astounding event is necessary to explain the final evolution of the Universe. There is no forever expansion because, there was a beginning. (e) All these events happen because of a magnetic pulling pushing force, (Gravity / Anti-Gravity) a Dark Matter Medium, and the Torus / Ring fields spin and flow. This is what creates a magnetic separating or joining of particle fields, along with their Structures.

Now for the big question. How do Black Stars Merge? TLU predicts that they must merge at the poles. This is because for a successful bonding, they both have to match their individual spin and speed, with the attraction force of Gravity. This cant happen at their equators because of a non compatible repelling force, but it can happen at their poles. The merger of Black Stars is a very important event in TLU theory for one reason only, if they don't merge, we can not have the Universe we know and love.

As Gravity draws the Black Stars together they orbit each other thus creating enormous oscillating pressure waves in the surrounding Dark Matter Sea. (not Gravity Waves). Because the gravity currents between the two stars are so strong, and are getting stronger as they approach each other, their poles orientate to match up. Orbiting continues with accelerated orbital spin for each, but, not necessarily the axis spin for each. Now synchronizing takes place and they finally do match polar speed and spin. The end is near as they both increase orbital spin frequency.

The pressure waves elevate into the sound spectrum and then suddenly stop. This is because there are no more oscillating waves of the combined Black Stars. (new observations from LIGO has captured this event). They are now one larger Black Star, and have increased Gravity. This merger has created no explosion because there is no compression release of particles with more potential energy. Their Merger has taken place by using the same principal that Universal particles utilize when creating particle magnetic strings. The only difference is, universal particles are individuals and cant merge, but, Black Stars are multitudes of universal particles, and cant string together, they merge. This is because there are no adjacent Black Stars in different planes to keep them apart.



The Final Evolution
of a Super Colossal Entity

This is not a Black Star. It is the Dark Matter surrounding one. The Black Star is located in the middle of this picture but you can't see it. For the sake of understanding this graphic is stationary. Usually it would have spin energy, Accretion Disk, with Pole Jet (Ring and Torus fields).

Big Bang Sequence - (a) All Black Stars have merged and there is now a single, Super Star. (Singularity). (b) Because there is no more polarized space with gravity, the super star gets surrounded by Primal Space. There are no Universal Particles to pull on, just the leftover primal matter and the larger distance of non-polarized space. Because of the stars spin energy, Primal Space will permeate the super star magnetic field. (c) The field starts to weaken, and at some point, it will catastrophically fail. Instantly all perimeter spherical particles no longer have a chained bonded force. They have lost this power, and the pushing internal Anti-Gravity force of the star is released.

(d) Because the Black Star is still spinning, it transfers this energy to all the expanding spherical particles and the leftover primal space. This in turn, forces primal space and its matter into tiny spheres with compressed magnetic spin energy. (e) At this moment in time all spherical particles are spinning and have super compression, they are not contracting, they are expanding. This does not produce more heat, it does the opposite, it decreases heat because of expansion. (f) As the Black Star inflates and decays, its inner compressed matter and space get closer to the perimeter. This causes them to become spherical again. The newly created UDMP's also absorb compressed spin energy from the expanding Black Star and the Anti-Gravity force continues. (g) Eventually the Singularity will disappear, and a newly configured Universe Springs into being. All that's left to do, is to form particle magnetic Torus fields that will eventually make Protons.

A personal reflection - As you have probably noticed, the Universe can be very dynamic with all kinds of forceful events, or it can be peaceful, quiet and serene. It all depends where you're Now Point is... To explain the Universe and its very tiny grains of Primal Sand, and its vast expanse of Galaxy's, took me a lifetime. This is because you have to keep the pieces that fit, and this is the hard part, throw away the ones that don't. Galileo, Newton, Einstein, Maxwell, Darwin, Hawking and Copernicus are just a few people that I have to thank. Without them, there would be no, or, UnifiedTheory.US.


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