Joseph von Fraunhofer  1787-1826

Spectra Lines

Signatures of Atomic Vibrations


Emission / Absorption Spectrum

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Signatures of Atoms - All atoms vibrate because of nucleus rotation and orbiting electron energy. Their smallness enables them to vibrate very fast, which in turn creates oscillating universal particle wave energy. If the oscillating and spin energy reaches into the light spectrum, light waves are produced. High energy vibrating atoms are now producing light. Because each atom has a specific Proton, Neutron, Electron compliment, the vibrations would be unique for each Element. Hydrogen has a slower vibration than Sodium and Sodium slower than Magnesium etc.


When the element's Quantum Ring Fields, are forced tighter together, the fields slip past each other and displace electrons. The electrons in turn jump orbits, which causes a temporary anomaly in the atoms vibration. The atomic quantum stacked ring fields can move both ways, either tighter together, or further apart, depending on the environment. An increase in compression creates Absorption Lines, a decrease in compression creates Emission Lines. Now for the kicker, the individual colors and their spectra lines are not polarized magnetic waves, they are, pressure waves in the Medium of Dark Matter. one more prediction of TLU. * It is not the Electron that emits or absorbs photon energy when jumping orbits. This concept is discarded in the Grand Unified Theory. This is because it stems from a misunderstanding of the atoms construction. It was assumed that the atomic nucleus was surrounded by empty space. It is not, it is surrounded by physical dark matter quantum fields. So the conclusion, it is the whole vibrating atomic system that gets interrupted with energy changes, and creates Spectra Lines, not the Conceptual Photons. 




  Shifted Spectra Lines
a - Local light speed
b - Slowing light speed as you look back in time
c - A local view, of faster light speed of the Early Universe.



a - This graphic represents the vibrating frequency of elements and the established speed of light in our solar system. (present local light speed, 299,792,458 meters per second).

b - Slowing light speed caused by the Universe decreasing density, or, the observer increasing distance between a light emitting body or structures.

c - The increasing light speed caused by increasing density of space, or, the observer moving toward the light emitting body or structures.

Because Light is a wave and is traveling in a medium, it is subject to the same laws that apply to Radar and Sound Waves. Doppler shifting is quite complex because of movement, especially when the medium is increasing or decreasing in density. The vibrating atoms that produce a specific spectrum of colored light in relativity to other atoms of the same body, is a constant, but, the spectrum itself is subject to the movement and density of the medium, or, the observer. In other words the light spectrum that we all see can be shifted thru, or, out of our sight. This works both ways, either more red shifted, (slowing light speed) or Blue shifted, (faster light speed). (b) The absorption and emission lines of the spectra are unique for each element and don't change. All this means, we can now determine the local and distant speed of light using the absorption emission lines as a standard, but, don't forget to include the expanding Universe. This is because light is not, and can not, travel thru empty space.


Cosmic Expansion with Redshift

Encyclopedia IV has more information

The Dark Matter of space is composed of individual, spherical, Primal Matter at around 10 to the -30. This makes space appear to be a vacuum but it is not. (b) Light from distant Galaxy's has been traveling longer, therefore has a larger redshift, but, you must also include the decreasing speed of light before you can calculate any relative distance. (c) And finally, the expansion of the Universe is caused by Universal Particles inflating, losing energy, and creating more Mass in the extreme cold. This is an Anti-Gravity event and is not to be confused with Dark Energy. The inflation will continue until a point is reached where there is no more compressed spin energy created by the Big Bang. Universal Particles of the outer Universe have lost their Torus Chaining, which in turn causes them to degrade into Primal Sand / Space. No more polarized spatial force, and the distance between all remaining particle grains increases to its final DMI. There still is spatial force but it is weak. This is because the tiny particles can still vibrate, move and bump into each other thus producing a small  force, BUT, space is bigger. This is because the individual Primal Matter Grains are no longer grouped together and spinning.  TLU calls this new and old part of the Universe, "Primal Space / Dark Matter Space." (don't forget, Matter can not be created or destroyed).

TLU - Now for something very profound - If Space were a true medium of Nothing, or a Void, or a Vacuum, light waves are not possible, but, if space is a medium of Dark Matter, faster slower light and wave speeds are a certainty. Light waves are no different than sound or magnetic ones. This is because at the very basic level they rely on tiny spinning particles, plus a spatial magnetic force to pass on their pulling pushing power.

Final analysis of Space - The medium of space is a material and magnetic phenomena. The Vast Expanse of polarized space is called the Dark Matter Sea. On the other hand, the vast expanse of Primal Space has no Universal Particles so it is non-polarized, and is called Primal Space. Both Primal and Dark Matter space exists up to a point then stops, then there is nothing, and there is no such thing as the Vast Expanse of Nothing. Nothing has no height width or depth, it is, the end of existence... I know you're going to ask, what is at the end of space? TLU - That is a nonsense question. It's like saying what's at the end of existence?


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