Geocentric Model

Standard Model Creation

Standard Model Creators

* Inflation Transformation

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Logical Thinking - The "Standard Model" of the Universe has reached a Dead End. There are some things that just can't be explained, like the Speed of Light, Time, Gravity and Magnetism. So science has asked you to believe in solutions without Physical, and Relative evidence. This would be Stellar and Galactic Black Holes, the extreme heat of the Big Bang, the Creation of Matter, the Warping of Space-Time, Runaway Gravitational Collapse, Gravity Waves, The vast expanse of Empty Space, Time Travel, Stellar Core Fusion, Photons, and the Evolution of Quarks Leptons and Bosons that created a Universe. All these things violate the "Golden Rule of Knowledge" (Encyclopedia 40.5). TLU did not try and fit its theory with all of these beliefs. (credibility level 1-3).  Instead we evaluated these ideas and took a different road. Finally, we must understand that mathematics is not the defining authority, it can be manipulated and tweaked, but, the Universal Truth, can not.  

If  you can theoretically build a Universe that all fits together, regardless of old unproven concepts, the outcome will be closer to the truth. That's just what TLU did. This means that a Universal Theory must correctly explain the relationship of Nothing, Matter and Energy. It must also be able to change these relationships with the evolution of Time. And finally, we must understand the Universe is perfect, and that's why it is the way it is. Nothing can change that.

Conclusion - For a credible explanation of how the Universe exists and works, a theory must be able to back up its claims with extremely strong, physical and relative evidence, and not just beliefs. 

Aristotle Contemplating the Bust of Homer
-Rembrandt- Metropolitan Museum NYC
The Power of Logic

Flammarion Illustration 1888 (notice there are Black Stars)

Each time a puzzle piece fits, the probability of failure
to correctly identify the picture goes down

What do you do, when you believe the basic thinking about the Universe is wrong? Answer... You start from scratch and put together a New Theory that answers unsolved problems of the old and proposes new solutions that are better and more plausible. That is just what the Logical Universe did. I can see why nobody would want to do this. The new theory is radically different because the old basic understanding doesn't all fit together and it is not logical. The new ideas are better explanations because we have learned so much more about the Universe. This will change textbooks. It goes against well established and comfortable thinking. A lot of people will get mad, and of course, they would say where's the proof? They have and did say, there's no mathematics so it can't be right. I say not so fast. The Universe doesn't care about mathematics, it is what it is.

* These are the logical facts. The Universe follows a path of least resistance. It evolves with a progression of time. The very basic things are Matter, Energy, and a Polarizing / Non-Polarizing spatial force, nothing else. In "The Logical Universe,"  Matter can exist without Energy, but Energy can not exist without Matter. The reason for this is, Energy is movement, and you need matter to have movement. (b) Next, there is only one way the Universe can get bigger, and that is because it has to expand existence. This can only happen if you can create Mass. Since Matter can not be created or destroyed, it is space that has to be produced. The area we are talking about is not the so called expanse of nothing between planets stars and galaxy's, expanding nothing is not possible. This is because an expanse, has height width and depth, nothing does not. So the expanse of nothing is an oxymoron and can't exist. (c) On the other hand, if you can expand the spatial distance inside and outside all particles and bodies of the Universe, you can create the Vast Expanse of the Cosmos. This is done by energetic particles and body's. They create space by moving, banging into each other, vibrating and or spinning. This Space TLU calls, Basic Magnetism. Basic Magnetism can expand, contract and has height width and depth, but no matter. It can also be polarized or non-polarized depending on spin energy. So, particles create space, that's a given, when they move, more space is produced, but, not more matter. (d) Now the only thing left to do is to justify the polarized and non-polarized force. This is not as hard as it sounds, and I bet you have already figured it out. Space has to be Magnetism. Magnetism is the only spatial force without any matter, but, it needs matter to exist.  (e) I have no idea why someone hasn't thought of this simple solution before. Maybe because it was assumed you can't create a vast expanse of empty space, it was always there. TLU says, don't assume a fundamental truth. (f) Conclusion, Energetic Primal and Spherical Particle Matter is the only thing that can create Mass. Matter by itself has height, width and depth, but, it cant produce more space unless it has active energy. When you add Gravity and Anti-Gravity to matter and its mass, you now have an expanding - contracting - hot - cold - magnetic - exploding Universe and all its wonders. (g) In closing, this explanation seems a little complex, but, it is actually quite simple when you consider it violates no rules and explains all of existence.

TLU theory's greatest strength is in the factual way the Universe exists and works. This means that every minute detail of the theory must fit together precisely to achieve a known and confirmed result. The creation and function of building blocks such as Universal Particles, Protons, Electrons, Neutrons, Atoms, Molecules, Composite Structures, Black Stars, etc. must be explained in a way that fits with evolution and science. The interactions of matter and energy concerning evolution must also be consistent with known science and observations. All phenomena have to be explained as to how they were created, interact, thus producing results that are known as facts. This would be the energy of Gravity, Anti-Gravity, Dark Energy, Heat, Cold, Expansion, Contraction, Compression, Magnetism, Magnetic fields, Quantum fields, Electric Charge, Sound, Light and Magnetic Waves. Finally, the new theory must also be able to give a clear understanding to the progression of Time. If your theory can't do all these things, it has a low probability of being correct. The Standard Model can not claim this achievement, but, "The Grand Unified Theory" can...

When you put all the countless pieces of the universe together in the right place, with the right sequence and no missing parts, a new awareness comes into focus. When it is right, everything falls into place, and at last you can finally see the whole, unmistakable, clear picture. It becomes truly awesome. Then, you will wonder why it took so long to figure it out.  


You are looking Directly thru Dark Matter
 and Magnetic Polarized Space, at a Spontaneous Fusion Reaction.
This is caused by Hydrogen Decompression along with Gravity and Anti-Gravity


Because you made it this far, here is an Easter Egg of profound logic. - The Logical Universe Predicts that Dark Matter Space, is a mixture of spinning Primal Matter and a polarized / non-polarized spatial force, with no holes or vacuums anywhere. Now, here is a profound thought experiment of logic that complies with all we know. What if you could create real empty space, a vacuum, or a total expanse of nothing? TLU predicts, traveling faster than Light, would most certainly be possible, but, still not the traveling forwards or backwards of Time! Boldly Go
 where no one has gone before
at Warp Speed...

TLU - In the sub, subatomic world of universal particles, size, and rotational interactions are very complex. The ability of particles and magnetic fields to repel and attract is based on pole and plane orientation. The interaction of intertwined particle fields is also complicated. Because of the sheer numbers of particles involved it becomes an impossible task to explain how each one relates. Therefore, the actual result of their interactions has been simplified for the sake of understanding. The net effect has been concluded to fit with known science, observations, relativity, evolution, mathematics, and logic.

TLU - As you can see, I took a few liberties to keep it short and simple. I know there is a lot of science in each explanation, but there is only one way it all works. Here at the Logical Universe we didn't try to fit the way the Universe works with Theory's. We tried to fit it all together with no Conflicts, no Contradictions, and no Prejudice or Bias. So far I think we accomplished the elusive, but, most certainly a reachable goal. If there's a better way, we want to hear it.


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Fission Particles / Accelerators   Quantum Mechanics    Interferometry     Antimatter     The Adolescent Universe    Life and Death    Logic    Grand Unification Theory   A Universal God    