Universal Dark Matter Particle (UDMP)
A Unified Construction of all Material Existence

The Smallest Sphere of Primal Matter - Uniform, Indivisible Particle
Can not travel independently. Smallest part of the Dark Matter Sea
or, the Smallest Part of a Structure

(UDMP's) Magnetic Spin and Flow Energy
with a Polarized Spatial Force

Primal Matter (Sand)

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The Creation - Universal Dark Matter Particle (UDMP).  A fundamental structure of Primal Matter locked in a spherical shape by spinning magnetic energy. If the particle has no rotation, there will be no magnetic polarized force. It is their spin energy that creates a torus particle structure, and a tiny spinning body. (a) There is a Universe full of these compressed particles in a Super Colossal Black Star.  (b) When Primal Space enters the magnetic containment field of a Rotating Colossal Black Star, all spin of perimeter particles of the star slow down, then stop. The attraction force of the Super Star has been eliminated and a decompression force takes over. The stars Gravity has been replaced with Anti-Gravity and expanding Universal Particles, thus creating more and more Mass. (c) Because the Super Star is still rotating, it transfers this energy to its Expanding Particles, thus creating tiny super compressed spinning spheres. (d) Primal Space is also caught up in this energy transfer, and the super star makes even more spheres with highly compressed spin energy. This is the only way that Universal Particles are created. They are cloned by compressed rotating sibling particles and have the same compact spin energy of the Black Star. (e) As the new and old Universal Particles spin and slowly decompress, they all have a magnetic force in, and between each particle. This is because the tiny particle body's have an axis, with a one way magnetic flow thru the center of each sphere. The flow is produced by a north south pole magnetic force. The north and south poles in turn, is what isolates each particle from its neighbor. This is because the neighbor has its own spin and magnetic flow, and has a slightly different plane and orientation. So the particles never do actually touch. They are separated from physically joining by magnetism.

Universal Particle Stats - How big are universal particles? - Their size is a highly difficult question to answer because it depends on the energy level of each particle. Bare in mind they all have the same amount of matter, but when energy is added or subtracted, they change their Mass drastically. (matter + magnetic space). If we use the area of a Proton as a standard, it certainly takes millions if not billions of universal particles to form the Proton. In a Black Star, it is possibly trillions per the same volume. Now, if an area the size of a Proton is located in intergalactic space, it would have far fewer universal particles because of lower energy levels. maybe, only hundreds of thousands for that instance. To add more confusion, Protons can change size because they are made of universal particles and polarized space, so a volume measurement is difficult to define. (b) This brings us to a point where mathematics is needed to add clarity. If we use logic, reason, and relativity for the size of particles and polarized space, it should wind up being somewhere around 10 to the -30. As you can see a mathematical explanation would have much more credibility. Unfortunately, I am not a mathematician, but if I were, I bet it would take me a lifetime to figure this one out. I am certain, that when skilled mathematicians tackle this area of complexity, the problem of size will be solved.

Universal Dark Matter Particle Sea. (UDMPS) - It is important to establish the basic understanding that there is no such thing as Empty Space. In the extreme realm of the minuscule, so called Dark Matter Space is composed of tiny Grains of Primal Matter in a spherical formation. These are the Dark Matter Universal Particles. (b) These spherical formations are very small, round and are suspended in a force field generated by all particles with their active spin energy. It is the magnetic pressure of the adjacent particles, and their pole plane orientation, that creates a polarized force which keeps them from sticking together. In other words, not only do universal particles have an internal flowing spatial force, they also have an external force that creates distance from each other. (c) UDMP's all have basically the same amount of Primal Matter. (d) Because of the absence of empty space, universal dark matter particles can only rotate, expand, shrink and move in unison. They can not individually travel through the medium because, they are the ones that creates space to begin with. On the other hand, they can travel as a stream . This is the phenomena of Gravity and Heat.  (e) So in TLU theory, all of the polarized cosmic expanse is, Primal Matter + Spinning Universal Particles + A Magnetic Spatial Force. Not, a vast expanse of nothing with  floating particles and body's that create a mysterious gravitational attraction.



Universal Particles of Primal Matter
Creates a Magnetic Force

Spinning Gyroscopes or Tops, also create
a Magnetic Spatial Force

The Function - All Universal Particles Spin,  that is how they use most of their energy. (accept in the core of a Black Star). (b) As universal particles spin they create heat. This is because of the tiny pulling irregularities of spin energy on other particles. (c) When universal particles spin faster they contract thus decreasing its internal, external space. This is the pulling power of magnetism. Smaller particles pull on larger ones, but, when they spin slower they don't pull as much. So, there is the strong pulling force of fast spin, and the weak pulling force of slow spin. (d) When these particles rotate, they create a magnetic flow thru each axis, which in turn creates a north and south pole for each tiny particle. This brings zone magnetic properties into existence. As you already know magnetic fields can attract and repel. This is an important fundamental force. * Magnetism creation applies to all spinning body's, metallic or non-metallic. (e) If particles align in strings and their magnetic properties synchronize, they can create magnetic strings of particles. This in turn, gives structure to the interdependent particles. These string fields produce counter rotating fields. (f) Because of a general direction of all particles in the expanding Universe, multitudes of cork screw patterns evolve in the Dark Matter Sea. This produces magnetic strings of universal particles. Adjacent particles also align and compliment the strings, thus forming thicker and longer multiple strands. Eventually a energetic looping  yarn size rope can form. If these looping yarn type fields wrap around themselves, the loops can close off from the rest of the matrix and become magnetically closed. This is exactly how each Proton forms. The Protons now have cw looping magnetic fields passing through a center axis, and, ccw looping yarn fields that don't. These ccw yarn fields are squeezed out thus preventing them from closing their loops.  TLU calls this phenomenon of Energy and Matter, a Horn Torus, composite SML structure. Because the cw yarn fields have more particles and exposure, the structure has a positive charge, and is now called a Proton.  The proton has internal, external spin, and, has its own magnetic gravitational  force. (g) Oceans of Protons has formed in the Dark Matter Sea. At this "Now Point" in evolution there is one thing that no one has considered. The Proton has its universal particle magnetic space, along with a material space. What? That's right, you will not find this prediction anywhere in other theory's. TLU predicts, if you can magnetically close space with matter and energy, you can still create and dissipate, an expanding, contracting, pulling, pushing, spatial force. (h) The amount of force and spin energy of the Proton, was locked and set at a specific time in the Universe expansion. As the Universe inflates more, the Proton will develop increasing potential energy, relative to the Universe Density. (i) The Proton can now move thru the UDMPS with its own specific Potential Energy, Gravity and Magnetic Fields.

The Demise of Universal Particles - losing active / potential energy - When Universal Particles cool, they relax, and their rotation slows. The slower they rotate, the weaker their magnetism and the larger the particles mass. Each inflating particle pushes on adjoining particles, and this is what creates "Anti-Gravity."  When particles reach near absolute zero, rotation slows down so much UDMP's lose torus lock. Because there is no more communal spin energy, there is no pull or pushing influence on neighboring particles. This causes the structures to decompose and their magnetic force weakens. This in turn, frees up the formations of matter granules and produces the final DMI of the Universe. (b) After Universal Particles disintegrate, there is only Primal Matter left. Each minuscule piece of Primal matter is irregular with no internal energy but. there still is a spatial force of magnetism. This is because of the moving vibrating and bumping of individual particle grains with each other. * Conclusion - In Primal Space there are no Universal Particles to pass light, Gravity, Heat or Polarized Energy from particle to particle, but, it is still not Empty Space, there is matter plus a non-polarized spatial force.

Energy and Behavior of Universal Particles a Medium of Polarized Space, or, Structures

1 - The Gravity of a Black Star - Surface Particles of a Black Star pull in Dark Matter particles from space, align and consume them. This creates a Magnetic Containment Field of, (increasing spin) - (less mass) - (more density) -  (strongest magnetic force) - (more Gravity) - (more heat) - (more potential energy) in this particle space.

2 - A Black Star internal Particle Structure Produces - (accelerating internal compression) - (decreasing spin) - (less mass) - (more density) - (less magnetic force) - (less Gravity) - (less heat) - (extreme potential energy) in this particle space.

3 - A Black Star Core - (Polygon Structures of former Universal Particles) - (no spin) - (lowest mass) -  (highest density) - (no magnetic force) - (no Gravity) - (no heat) - (highest potential energy) in this particle space.  

4 - Big Bang - Gravity of a Universal Black Star stops, Anti-Gravity takes over. The creation and expansion of Universal Dark Matter Particle Space begins. Perimeter Black Star Particles now have, * (highest magnetic spatial compression) - (highest spin) - (increasing mass) - (decreasing density) - (decreasing magnetic force) -  (decreasing heat) - (decreasing potential energy) in this particle space. 

5 - First Stage of Gravity in Dark Matter Space - (Protons pull on the expanding Polarized Space). Smaller particles of the Proton pull on the larger particles of space. This in turn, creates currents in the medium. The particles in the current increase their spin, with (less mass) - (higher density) - (more magnetic force) - (more gravity) - (more heat) - (more potential energy) as they travel to the pulling source. (Proton clouds / Stars etc.)

6 - A First Generation Star - (a) Perimeter Protons of a rotating Star, pull on UDMP's from space creating currents. (b) The Star internal Particles are compressed so much, they have less pull and more push. (c) A First Generation Star and all Stars, have a zone where Universal Particles Pull and Push Equally. (stable mass) - (stable density).  As evolution progresses, mass stability and mass density will eventually change in the stars Neutral, Gravity Anti-Gravity particle space. (A Main Sequence Star).

7 - Fire, Explosions - A loss of magnetic lock that produces an Anti-Gravity Pressure Wave in Quantum Field Space. - This temporally compresses neighboring particles with less potential energy which produces (higher spin) - (less mass) - (more density) - (more magnetic force) - (more Gravity) - (more heat) - (more potential energy) for each particle that gets compressed, then the opposite happens when they quickly relax. The particles that produced the pressure wave experience the reverse effect.  

8 - The Decay of Energy in outer Dark Matter Space / Getting Colder - Anti-Gravity expansion force in DM Space cause particles to lose Torus Chaining thus creating Primal Space. Expanding UDMP's produce a pushing wave force which creates, (decreasing spin) - (more mass) - (less density) - (less magnetic force) - (less heat) - (less potential energy) - (lowest Density and greatest Mass of the Universe, but not an empty or vast expanse of nothing). All Space still has Primal Matter and Non-Polarized Magnetism.

9 - Where is the Production of Heat in the Big Bang?  Solution, there is lots of heat but it is not extreme, and, it is cooling. This is because there is a point where magnetic (current / wave) - ( pull / push oscillations) of streaming heat equalizes. Heat energy is like Gravity, it is not infinite and will not runaway with itself. There was more magnetic pulling before the Black Star lost its Gravity. Now there is greater magnetic pushing. As the Universe expands the level of equalized heat gets weaker. (streaming, pull  current / push wave oscillations). Remember, streaming heat energy is quantized.


The Conclusion -
(a) All of existence is Matter plus active and potential energy, with a magnetic spatial force. (b) Matter can not be created or destroyed. (c) There are two types of Matter, Spherical and Primal. (d) Only the spherical structures of matter can spin, attract and repel. (e) In the interior of the tiny spherical bodies, there is a set amount of Primal Matter, but because of spin energy, a polarized magnetic force flows thru its axis. This in turn, is what creates a north and south pole for each particle, and a changing magnetic Space. (f) Only spinning matter itself can create a polarized spatial force, and multitudes of spinning body's create more of it. (g) When matter moves, it produces all the active energy of the Universe. If you grab onto the concept of Spin Energy, Substance, Mass and Magnetic Space, all of a sudden the Universe becomes a breathing entity. It can expand, contract, move and evolve. When it does all these things it creates Time.

These simple events has baffled mankind for ever because of the belief in the vast expanse of nothing. This false assumption has led to the misunderstanding of how Light, Magnetic Waves, Heat,  Gravity and the Expansion of Space can function. The truth is, these energy's can not, and do not work in empty space, there must be a medium. The Grand Unified Theory predicts that between all planets stars and galaxy's, there is Matter plus the force of magnetism, polarized or non-polarized. As you can clearly see, Space is not the expanse of nothing, it is the expanse of everything.
* If you need more evidence to justify how energy travels thru space, just think about how an Aurora Borealis becomes so spectacular. TLU says, that the wonder of the Cosmos has finally been revealed, and, it is truly miraculous, it may even be called, Divine.


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