Otto Hahn 1679 - 1968
SML / Anti-Gravity

Weak Force / Strong Force
The power of Quantum Fields

Slow Fission - Atomic Reactors

Fast Fission - Atom Bomb

Fastest Fission - Neutron Bomb

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Weak / Strong Force -
In the Logical Universe the Weak Nuclear Force is the bonding of Protons and Neutrons together in the core of atoms. This happens because of the ccw spin energy of the Protons non-looping fields, are capable of sticking together with the Neutrons closed same type of spin direction field. The Protons cw fields won't break apart but the ccw fields can be intermixed. This happens when a neutron comes in contact with a proton, and have matching energy levels. (b) The Strong Nuclear Force is not the force that binds Protons and Neutrons together, that is actually the Weak Force. The Strong Force is really the hard bonded closed looping Torus fields of Protons, Electrons, Neutrons and Neutrinos, or the magnetic chains of a Black Star.

Synergetic Magnetic Lock - SML -
An interdependent grouping of Universal Particles locked in a particular configuration by the forces of magnetism. There are three subgroups. (1) Closed looping structure's which do not add or subtract universal particles (Neutron, Neutrino and a Neutron Star). (2) The Semi-closed Proton and Electron. Both of these structures can add or lose particles from their non-closed fields, but, still not lose their magnetic lock. (3) And finally, fully open structures that add and subtract universal particles to further balance energies. (Atoms and their Quantum Fields, Compounds, Molecules, Composite Bodies and Black Stars).

Nuclear Fission / Anti-Gravity
- Let us start out by reducing the confusion between Nuclear Fission and Anti-Gravity. Fission, means splitting apart and that's exactly how the nucleus of an Atom behaves when a Neutron with great force collides with it. Some Protons and Neutrons separate and fly off. On the other hand, Anti Gravity is the permanent expansion of all Universal Particles, but, they don't fly apart. A magnetic force keeps them in spatial relativity. So, both Fission and Anti-Gravity have an expansion force, but, it is the communal inflation of universal particles in space and quantum fields that creates Anti-Gravity, and Anti-Gravity creates more mass, but, not by flying apart.

* Quantum Field Power / Potential / Active Energy -
There can be extreme potential power in quantum fields. When a Proton spins, fields of UDMP's that surround the Proton align with magnetic codependency. As you know there are two types, Ring and Torus. (b) Next, when a Proton couples with a Neutron and spins, the alignment of quantum fields gets stronger and involves more UDMP's. (c) Moving on, as more and more Protons bond with Neutrons in a spinning atomic nucleus, the surrounding quantum fields become more organized and much stronger with new magnetic strength and potential energy. (compression). You can probably see by now, where all this is going.

* Atom Bomb -  A Nuclear Fission Device that is created by splitting either Uranium or Plutonium Nuclei. These elements have lots of protons and neutrons with a high degree of compression in their quantum fields. (a) Lets talk about the nucleus of Uranium. This element has 92 Protons and 146 Neutrons. (Uranium 238). The  spinning nucleus of U238 has created a large volume of quantum fields with enormous compressed energy. If something happened to the spinning nucleus of this element and it split apart, magnetic lock of the uranium's quantum fields would fail and all the compressed energy would create a pressure wave in space.
(b) Next, if billions of Uranium spinning nucleus all fail at once, the pressure wave would be catastrophic. This can happen if the Uranium atoms are locked closer together and are unstable to begin with. (c) As it so happens, Uranium 238 has a very strong magnetic lock and is quite stable, but, Uranium 235 is not. Uranium 235 has a wobbling nucleus spin, with 92 protons and 143 Neutrons). This creates quantum fields with a vulnerable magnetic lock, and, has a recipe for disaster. (d) A unified atomic explosion can occur if all nuclei breach before they can equalize quantum spacing. (e) Now for the tricky part. Both 235 and 238 are radio active, which means, they have free rogue neutrons buzzing about. If you squeeze the atoms together into close quantum relativity, the Neutrons will hit more nuclei and cause some of them to break apart. Remember 238 has a strong magnetic lock, but 235 not so much. This is exactly why the unstable isotope of uranium, is used in the atom bomb. When the uranium 235 nuclei are split in unison, the sheer number of atoms and the extreme volume of Space with stored energy, creates a quantum pressure wave that is catastrophic. The pressure wave compacts all other elements, and creates extreme Heat, Light, Radiation, and QLBHF particles, along with new Elements. As you can see the power of UDMP's in magnetic lock is unbelievable, this is because the numbers of particles are extreme. (f) Finally, the Magnetic force that holds particles and structures together throughout the Universe, is compromised all the time, but, there is one exception, that is the structure of a Black Star. There is no ripping or colliding particle that can break this bond. That being said, this magnetic lock will also be overcome, not by a collision of particles or the ripping force of super strong Gravity, but, by slowing Star spin, and Neutralizing its outer magnetic force. This happens when the Black Star runs into the "Primal Universe." Really? Yes... See the Big Bang Page... (g) Lastly, Plutonium 239 is also fissionable material. It has 94 protons and 145 neutrons. As you can see, it would have slightly more compressed Quantum Fields, that in turn, would have slightly more potential energy. It is also easier to produce. Both Uranium and Plutonium Quantum Fields have a devastating energetic potential, if, their numbers are sufficient and are caught in a Neutron Bombardment...

Marie Curie 1867-1934
Nuclear Forces Fission Reactors

Fission Reactors -
(a) When Neutron Proton ratio of an atomic nucleus is slightly out of balance, the vibration and or rotation of the core causes the weaker magnetic coupling of some Protons and Neutrons to fail. This leaves both a damaged core and creates  different proton neutron pairings in the process. The particles are flung out thru Quantum Fields and radiation occurs. This is called Spontaneous Fission. This type of fission creates lighter elements, isotopes, and gets rid of excess neutrons. In any case there is a large release of potential energy from quantum fields. (b) Quantum fields now reform, which creates an Anti-Gravity pressure wave. This in turn, compresses other particles with less potential energy and produces heat. (c) Reconfiguring cores creates temporary composition and energy anomalies in Quantum Fields, but, they have not catastrophically failed. This is because the potential energy difference of the area is not extreme. (d) The resulting spin, heat, light and particle magnetic reconfiguring are part of the repair process. (e) Now the different configuration of atoms have repaired, and they have less potential energy, and, fewer large Quantum Fields. This is because the new core configurations have less of a magnetic force. (f) These new atoms or isotopes adjust into different configurations. (g) This whole process is not true for all of the atoms left in the body of Fissionable Atoms. They're are still multitudes of elements that have their old quantum integrity. The repair process slows down the fission event. That is why there is no Catastrophic Explosion. There is a delicate balance between the atoms ability to separate, then reconfigure, or to catastrophically fail. If Neutrons are overwhelming and penetrate many more nuclei before the atoms can rebalance, a chain reaction occurs and all the Quantum Fields lose SML at once. This is likely when the fields have a greater degree of entanglement, which has increased Fissionable Atomic Density. The closer proximity of nuclei increases the collision rate. Now, when the entanglement of these Fields breaks down, a violent Anti-Gravity event occurs, it compresses particles with less potential energy and produces extreme Heat, Magnetic Force and Light. (an Atomic Explosion).

As you can see all particles and energy have an interdependency, if one area is compromised, it effects its neighbor. When the neighbor has high stored energy it can trigger a larger energy release. The event will always in the long run equalize. This observation and conclusion is what makes the Universe so interesting. You think it is predictable, but sometimes you realize it hasn't given up all its secrets.  (Amazing)

  Thermal Nuclear Fusion
Nuclear Fission

(Atom Bomb)

(Neutron Bomb)
# H-Bomb / Hydrogen Bomb - A Thermonuclear Fusion Explosion Device. Is the H-Bomb really a thermonuclear fusion device? TLU says No... This is because the fusion result does not explain the full catastrophic energy release of an H-Bomb. In an H-Bomb, the theorized fusible material is Lithium-deuteride (a hydride) It has lots and lots of lightly paired Protons and Neutrons, along with their Quantum Fields. It is speculated that when this mixture is subjected to high heat energy of an atomic explosion, the Lithium-hydride will fuse into Helium and Tritium, thus releasing copious amounts of energy, along with the fission energy of the Uranium or Plutonium structure. TLU says that this scenario is too convoluted to work, and the yield would be too low, plus, Fusion is a slower process. There must be a much better explanation.

Neutron Bomb - When you set off an atomic explosion with Lithium-deuteride as an enhancement, the pressure wave will compact the Lithium-Hydrogen isotopes (LiH) so violently that all Protons in the hydride get converted into Neutrons. This in turn, removes all magnetic lock for all quantum fields and they catastrophically expand, with their new and old, embedded Neutrons. The number of protons has vanished and the multitudes of neutrons are set in extreme motion, this causes them to slam into other nuclei, thus creating even more and more lighter elements, and releasing more quantum lock. This is why the H-bomb has such a huge energy release. It involves many, many more elements and quantum fields than just creating Helium and Tritium. (unique to TLU theory, remember that Neutrons are created by squeezing Protons until their ccw fields close their loops. Once this happens they can not change back). Conclusion - The explosion of an atomic bomb is what creates a pressure wave that squeezes the Lithium-hydride and converts all Protons into Neutrons. The increased number of Neutrons go on a rampage and slam into other atomic nuclei thus releasing more energy. It is not a Thermonuclear Fusion Phenomena, it is a Fission one. Finally - What produces the extreme Light, Heat, Sound and Radiation? It is none-other than the loss of magnetic quantum lock of atoms in the bomb, and the super compression of surrounding space, materials, and their Quantum Fields. The radiation comes from extreme flying Neutrons and QLBHF's everywhere, emanating from fractured Atomic Nuclei, caused by the collisions of converted and non-converted Neutrons of the Bomb.

Final Recap -  Neutron Bomb * A level 5 +, of
TLU creditability / probability. Yes there is a Neutron Bomb, it is the Hydrogen Bomb. The H Bomb doesn't really fuse Hydrogen into Helium or Tritium, but it does make tons of Neutrons, and then, they go on a nucleus splitting rampage. The Hydrogen Bomb should really be renamed.

Sub Sub - Atomic Fission - Finally, there is another event that creates fission and fission particles. This is where high energy collisions occur between Protons, Electrons or Neutrons. This creates Quarks, Leptons and Bosons, but, there are little or no pressure waves. This is because the broken structures of Protons, Neutrons or Electrons don't have individual quantum UDMP space. Thus, they create no pressure waves, or Anti-Gravity when they spring into existence. I say little or no, because it depends on the energy level of all particles involved. So, a Fission pressure wave can only happen to Atomic Nuclei or individual Protons, Neutrons, Electrons that have a quantum field structure.

Pending Doom
The ripping force of Dark Energy will likely cause a loss of SML
 in this large meteor. (Dark Energy, then ML fails creating Anti-Gravity, then Bang!)

A meteor entering the earth atmosphere has just as much deadly force as an atomic bomb. This is because of its tremendous Kinetic and Potential Energy. When the meteor heats up to extreme temperatures from friction with the atmosphere, it causes universal particles to spin faster, thus creating more heat, magnetism and gravity, but, it is the extreme increasing ripping magnetic force of Dark Energy, that breaks the bonding of Quantum Fields inside the meteor. These fields have large potential energy and when they encounter a strong ripping current, they break lock and catastrophically expand. This creates a secondary event of compression force in surrounding matter. The secondary event is what you see when an Anti-Gravity pressure wave has occurred (Bang). You probably have noticed that after the explosion, the light, heat and sound, quickly dies down. This is the direct result of universal particles adjusting to a bigger Universe.  What you have just observed is the raw power of the Cosmos. Most of the energy that it took to create the meteor has been released within seconds, and it is a lot. I am always amazed by this, even though I am confident I understand how it works.

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