Surface Temperature of Stars -  (Brown Dwarf) - M - K - G - F - A - B - O

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If you look at stars very closely you will notice that they are not the same. some are big some are small, and some are bright, and some are not so bright. What a lot of people haven't considered is, they are also hotter and cooler. This means that Hydrogen Fusion has changing levels of heat production.

  Brown Dwarf  Star - (500 / 600 C) - (900 /1100 F)  - Cool - Slow Spinning - Conversion (H / He) - Level 1.
M - Red Star - (600 / 800 C) - (1100 /1500 F)  - Warm - Faster Spinning - Conversion (H / He) - Level 2.
K - Orange Star (800 / 1000 C) - (1500 /1800 F)  - Warmer - Medium Spinning - Conversion (H / He) - Level 3.
G - Golden Star (1000 / 1200 C) - (1800 /2200 F)  - Hot - Faster Spinning - Conversion (H / He) - Level 4.
F - Yellow Star (1200 / 1600 C) - (2200 / 2900 F)  - Hotter - Fast Spinning - Conversion (H / He) - Level 5.
A - Yellow White Star (1600 / 3500 C) - (2900 / 6300 F)  - Hotter - Faster Spinning - Conversion (H / He) - Level 6.
B - White Star (3500/ 10000 C) - (6300 / 18000 F)  - Even Hotter - Faster Spinning - Conversion (H / He) - Level 7.
O - Blue Star (10000 / 50000 C) - (18000 / 90000 F) - Hottest - Fastest Spinning - Conversion (H / He) - Level 8.
Neutron Star - Heat = Accretion disk and beyond. - Spin 0 to Thousands RPM - (H / He) conversion - None.
Black Star - Heat = Accretion disk and beyond. - Spin yes but unknown. (H / He) conversion? None, but the strongest known Gravity.

The information above is not etched in stone. This is because all these things depend on a wide range of evolutionary variables. The proclamation is only to give you a sense of relativity. The size of a spinning Hydrogen cloud depends on available resources. Density of the cloud changes with Spin Energy and Time. Spin Energy of the cloud is linked with Heat, Density and Size and also changes. Finally, the conversion rate from Hydrogen to Helium is linked with all, and is also changeable, but, all factors such as the amount of Hydrogen, its Density, and how fast the cloud Spins sets the stage for Gravity, Anti-Gravity, and a Fusion Level. The denser and faster the star spins, H / He production increases in the fusion band, but not the core. The only place where fusion is not relevant, is with a Neutron Star, or a Black one. On the other hand, these stars do produce lots of Heat, Gravity and Anti-Gravity, but, no Fusion.

  Solar Power
most everyone has done this in the past

starting a fire using a magnifying glass

Heat Energy - (OCWS) - (Quantum Energy) - A property of spinning, pulling pushing, streaming flow of UDMP's in space. If universal particles spin faster as they contract, it increases heat. If universal particles spin slower as they contract, like in a center of a rotating hydrogen cloud, or, the interior of a star, the heat energy diminishes. (b) Now, if universal particles are not being compressed but are expanding space because of energy decay, there is diminishing heat. This is because the original compacted magnetic space of Primal Matter / Space has not yet equalized. These energy's are directly linked with the phenomena of a magnetic spatial force. Remember, heat is an oscillating, pulling pushing current / wave, just below the frequency of Light.

Hot and Cold energy is easy to understand, but I find people have no idea how to explain this physical process. As you might have guessed the explanation is at the heart of physics and is defined a little bit different in the Logical Universe. (a) Spin energy applies to Universal Particles, Atomic Nuclei, Protons, Electrons, Neutrons and Quantum Fields, as well as Black Stars. All can create heat energy and have a strong magnetic factor. (b) On the other hand, Light is different, it is oscillating pressure energy and presents a superior physical push-pull component and less magnetic force. They are both similar and usually observed together but don't confuse the two. This is because it is possible to have Light with very little heat, or, heat with no Light. (c) Final observation - What about the theoretical pure hot energy of the Big Bang? TLU  Solution - There is lots of heat but it is not unbelievable, and, it is cooling. This is because there was a moment when the super Black Star gravity stopped. That created an instant loss of heat. The magnetic pulling current, pushing wave oscillations of the Super star equalized. (Gravity meets Anti-Gravity). This in turn eliminated the heat of pulling Gravity. The perimeter particles of the Big Bang Star are now spinning and so is the whole black star, but they no longer pull on Dark Matter Space, so there is extreme heat, but it is not increasing, its diminishing. As the Universal Black Star loses its stored Particles, and creates Particles from Primal Space, heat energy of the whole universe cools, and expands faster than the speed of Light.

Heat Energy Simplified  (1) Heat - (Quantized) - Oscillating Streams of a pulling current and a pushing wave force. Frequency of infrared and below. (2) If there is More pulling less pushing inward gravity flow, to a center mass - Heat energy goes up. (3) If there is More pushing less pulling inward gravity flow, to a center mass - Heat energy goes down. (4) When a Pulling current force, and a pushing wave force are equal, it is called Thermal Equilibrium. (5) When a center mass is decompressing and causes an outward pushing wave with less pulling current, heat energy goes down from the Equalized State. This is called Anti-Gravity.


Expanding oxygen quantum fields breaks the entangled bonding of other elements. This produces a pressure wave that compacts Universal Particles of lesser potential energy. The compression of these particles, in turn, increases their pulling spinning force. This is what produces more Heat, Light and Gravity. Because magnetic bonds have permanently been broken, the newly compressed spinning particles gradually slow with expansion, and the Universe gets ever so slightly cooler and bigger.

Rudolf Clausius 1822-1888

If you understand this, you win a gold star from TLU... The 0th law of thermodynamics defines thermal equilibrium and forms a basis for the definition of temperature: If two systems are each in thermal equilibrium with a third system, then they are in thermal equilibrium with each other. (1) The first law of thermodynamics states that, when energy passes into or out of a system (as work, heat, or matter), the system's internal energy changes in accordance with the law of conservation of energy. (2) The second law of thermodynamics states that in a natural thermodynamic process, the sum of the entropies of the interacting thermodynamic systems never decreases. A common corollary of the statement is that heat does not spontaneously pass from a colder body to a warmer body. (3) The third law of thermodynamics states that a system's entropy approaches a constant value as the temperature approaches absolute zero. With the exception of non-crystalline solids (glasses), the entropy of a system at absolute zero is typically close to zero.

The Laws of Thermodynamics as Modified by TLU
This is because old Thermodynamics doesn't consider Magnetism and its changing spatial force. It also has excluded the force of Dark Matter (UDMP's) 

First Law
- Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can change from one form to another. (TLU disputes this). In The Logical Universe Model, the first part of the law is a little bit different because Energy is movement and you must have Matter to have movement. This means that you can have Matter with no movement, but you must have Matter to have movement, and, movement is energy. Therefore, it is Matter that has basic conservation not Energy. (b) The second part of the first law states that energy can change from one form to another. So, if you have Spherical Matter and it is spinning, you have spinning magnetic space and you have lots of heat. If the spinning stops because of compression, you have no heat. This happens in the evolution of a Black Star. What you have now is Matter with the potential for expansion, but, no movement thus no heat. When the force of compression is released, the spherical Matter expands. When this happens, there is weaker pulling oscillating spin heat, but, stronger pushing oscillating cooling. (the conversion of heat to compressed potential energy, then to an expansion force). (c) That's it, the whole explanation of the conservation of Matter, but not Energy. Matter is definitely conserved but energy? It is mostly conserved. This is because in the vast expanse of material magnetism it is impossible to have Matter without movement of one kind or another. So, the first law of Thermodynamics is a little more complicated than one might think. The statement for the conservation of Energy gets a little fuzzy. This is because matter is what produces energy if it is moving, but if it is not, there might be potential energy, but not Active Energy.

Second Law - As entropy in the Universe increases, Energy is transformed into less usable forms. TLU views this as there is no such thing as a Perpetual Motion Machine. This scenario is illogical because of Matter. It suggests that eventually there will be no Energy, but, it doesn't mention what happens to Matter. This is because it is assumed that Matter can turn into pure Energy. Nothing can be further from the truth, matter is conserved. So, because matter cant be created or destroyed, and it is impossible not to have movement in the vast expanse of Primal or Dark Matter Space, Energy is ever present. Now for the kicker: Just like Time, Energy is the property of movement and distance, but not a physical existence of height width depth...  On the other hand, material and spatial magnetism, is a physical existence. (height width depth).

Third Law - At theorized - At absolute zero, Entropy is at its minimum. This is sort-of true in the Logical Universe but, it doesn't happen for the whole Universe all at once. Near absolute zero there is of course minimal, but not total absence of Heat. This means no UDMP spin energy and spherical matter loses torus lock and degrades into Primal Sand. It only happens in the outermost reaches of Dark Matter Space. In the interior, there are still Black Stars and magnetic fields. Because of collapsing space the Black Stars all merge, and Dark Matter space is consumed. When this happens, the Super Black Star for the first time, encounters Primal Space. The whole universe as we know it, is about to change. (b) Primal Space encounters the Singularity's Magnetic fields. This causes the super strong outer star field to weaken and fail. The Universal Singularity has lost all containment, which in tern has eliminated all Universal Gravity. * Now the compressed spatial force of the Black Star is released and there is no more Gravity in the Universe, but, there is Anti-Gravity. (c) When Primal Space is converted into Universal Particles, and mixed with the UDMP's of the Black Star, Entropy increases to its highest levels as Existence expands. (The conservation of Matter and the Conservation of Energy).

The 0th Law -Thermal Equilibrium - TLU Encyclopedia 45 (c).  And finally, the last stage of heat energy is, Thermal Balance. This is the point at which the hot gravitational energy of the Big Bang Super Star stops and the expansion energy of Anti-Gravity starts. As the Big Bang Super Star decays so does thermal balance of heat energy. As you can see by this explanation, there is lots of heat but it is not the predicted heat of the Standard Model, it is the predicted heat of The Logical Universe. Magnetic, and the pulling current, pushing wave force of heat gets weaker as the Universe expands. The exact values have not been calculated yet because, this is a brand new theory of heat distribution and expansion. (Thermal balance changes with universal expansion).

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