Gravity / Anti-Gravity
Dark Matter / Dark Energy

Dark Matter is "Polarized Space"
Primal Space is Non-Polarized Space

Fritz Zwicky
1898 - 1974

Vera Rubin
1928 - 2016

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Fritz Zwicky and Vera Rubin discovered without any doubt the existence of Dark Matter. (polarized space). TLU thinks that they should have gone one step further and proposed that all of the vast expanse of observable Space, could also be Dark Matter, but alas, I can understand why they didn't do that. It was just too radical, and nobody would believe it, but, I'm sure they thought of it.

"Einstein's field equations" (also known as EFE) predicted the existence of Anti-Gravity, but that's not how he thought the Universe worked. So, he added a "Cosmological Constant" to his equations. That change the Universe into a Static One. Later after he realized that the Universe was expanding, he said he had just made the biggest mistake of his life and corrected the formulas. That took care of the expanding universe, but Gravity now becomes impossible to explain. We all know how he solved that. Gravity is the "Warping of Space-Time." OH my, TLU says that that is a fudge factor and there must be a better solution. (b) The other problem was the Big Bang Inflation. According to Einstein, this is pure energy. That too is illogical because now you have to explain how Energy creates Matter. (E=Mc˛ ?) This is just a mathematical formula with no solid evidence to back it up. TLU says Matter is conserved, Energy is not. Therefore, changing Energy into Matter cant be done, and it violates all physical laws. (c) The Logical Universe comes to the rescue, we have a simple and easily understood solution, Matter is not created because it is the substance of all existence. Energy, on the other hand is a force that can be produced or eliminated. This is because in TLU theory, Energy is defined as the movement of matter, and potential energy is defined as the stored energy of matter. Therefore Matter is infallible and can not become pure energy, or, vice-versa. (d) No one has dared to endorse this solution because of the huge vast expanse of space. It is inconceivable to think of the distance between body's in the Cosmos as a sea of Matter, and a force that is produced by Matter. Or, is it! TLU says it is just as inconceivable to think of Space as a sea of nothing. This is because Light Waves, Magnetic Waves, Gravity Currents and Expansion, Contraction Energy say otherwise. These energy's can not exist in an expanse of nothing.

Now for something you may not be aware of, people think that Dark Matter is invisible, but TLU says that's a yes and no. You can see this matter when it vibrates in the light wave spectrum (streaming pressure oscillations). You can also detect it when it vibrates in the magnetic realm (streaming magnetic oscillations of Radio, TV, Radar, X and Gamma Waves). So, atoms are not the only thing that can create light. When energetic Dark Matter Particles are in a normal state of active and potential energy, they are capable of compression, expansion, polarized, pulling, pushing and vibrating motion, this in turn, produces all known forms of energy in the Dark Matter Medium that we can see and detect.

What is Causing the Universe to Expand?
The Logical Universe has discovered that Dark Energy is not responsible for the expansion of the Universe.
What? Yes, and this is why.

If TLU is relevant, Universal particles of the Dark Matter Sea can change size but not the amount of matter. The sum of matter remains the same. When universal particles shrink they speed up, get smaller with more heat, gravity and magnetism. This shrinks space but creates more force. When they expand, they get colder, lose heat, gravity and magnetic force thus increasing space. This behavior is known as a G-Force. A G force is either pulling of Universal Particles thus causing Gravity currents, or, a pushing pressure causing an expansion of space, Anti-Gravity wave. The key to all these energy fluctuations is that the Universal Particles are permanently changing their size, and the magnetic space in and between them, but not the amount of matter. If there were no Gravitational forces (G-Force) we would have a Universe with no Gravity or Cosmic Expansion. (A Static Universe).

Gravity - The shrinking and compacting of space because of Universal Particle spin and magnetism increasing, thus contracting each particle and pulling in more neighboring particles. It takes three Energy's, spin, contraction, and pulling magnetic force to create the phenomena Gravity. This in turn establishes cascading gravitational streaming currents of surrounding particle matter. Because Dark Matter particles in space are small, the streaming dark matter particles of gravity are even smaller, and subject to the DMI. Gravity's energy is Current energy, and not Wave energy. There must be a real partnership of spherical matter to pass on the pulling force. It can not pull on nothing. In open space it is the Dark Matter Medium. (b) When Gravity currents move thru atomic structures, they create a pulling force on these bodies. How much, is dependent on structural density and the density of the current.

Conclusion - G-force - G is known as a pulling Gravitational force, but, Dark Matter can also push. This in turn is a different event (Anti-Gravity). So, a "G-force" can be either pulling or pushing, both are similar but opposite and permanently changes the size of the Universal Particles. (Gravity shrinks the particles, Anti-Gravity expands them).

All These Events are Created from Anti-Gravity





Anti-Gravity - The expansion of Universal Particles caused by decreasing spin and magnetism, thus expanding magnetic distance. (getting colder). (2) The instant failure of SML causing a violent expansion of confined particles (Bang). Anti-Gravity is expansion energy of universal particles and their magnetic space, that permanently expands the distance they occupy. This in turn, increases the internal and external magnetic area of all particles involved. More on the Energy / SML page.

(a) The creation and spontaneous fusion of a star is only made possible, because of the forces of Gravity and Anti-Gravity. (see Birth of Stars).

(b) The expansion of Universal Particles caused by decreasing compression, spin, and polarized space. (Space cooling, expanding and loosing energy).

(c) The instant failure of SML causing a violent expansion of compressed particles and their quantum fields. (Bang). This event compacts surrounding particles with less potential energy which produces, blinding light, searing heat, and breaks magnetic bonds.

(d) Big Inflation Bang - The release of all compressed Matter of a singularity, thus creating all the Polarized Universal Dark Matter Particles of Space. Anti-Gravity is expansion energy of universal particles that permanently expands the space they occupy, which in turn, decreases all of the particles internal and external, magnetic spatial force.

Dark Energy
Sometimes Called Artificial Gravity

Roller Coasters are not just about Gravity
They wouldn't be as much fun if there were no
Dark Energy Streams.

Current thinking is, Dark Energy is responsible for the Cosmos getting bigger. The problem with this is, nobody knows how to explain it. Space, is suppose to be mostly an expanse of nothing. TLU says that this is not true for thousands of reasons. The presence of Gravity, Light Waves, Radio Waves along with Pressure Waves and expansion contracting energy, can not exist in an expanse of nothing. The only way out of this dilemma is simple and easy to understand. It's all in how we define Gravity, Anti-Gravity and Dark Energy.

Dark Energy - The pushing of Dark Matter particles thru and or around structures in a stream like fashion. Usually caused by forced changing movement of structural matter. It requires only two energy's of Dark Matter to create the phenomena Dark Energy. This is because the particles don't permanently expand or contract. (spin and pushing lateral movement). If the Dark Energy pushing force is extreme, it can break magnetic bonds. Like when a meteor explodes while entering the earths atmosphere. A critical fact to remember is that Gravity, Anti-Gravity, permanently changes the size of Dark Matter particles, but, Dark Energy does not. The reason that this cant be called Anti-Gravity is because, Anti-Gravity is a wave and expands space, Dark Energy is a current and will push its way thru structures, thus creating a magnetic streaming pushing force.


Inertia - (physics) The tendency of a body to maintain its state of rest or uniform motion unless acted upon by an external force.

What is inertia and how does it fit in with the Logical Universe Theory? TLU says if you think about this phenomenon in relation to Gravity Currents, Structural Density, and Dark Energy, it makes perfect sense. However, This solution won't work in the emptiness of space, but, it will if the body is stopped or traveling in a Dark Matter Medium.

A solution, if a body is traveling in a gravity current, it takes no imagination to figure out that the body must have an applied force to change its speed and or direction. If a body is at rest and encounters a gravity field, the force of gravity will pull on the body then cause it to accelerate and change speed and or direction.

Now it gets interesting, if a body is traveling thru Dark Matter it has established a bow wave and a trailing Dark Matter current. (Eddy Currents). If you apply force to the traveling body, it changes the bow wave and trailing current thus forcing more Dark Matter thru the body. This applied force has caused a Dark Energy current in the body, which in turn, has presented resistance. In other words, it takes force to change the moving structure. If the body is stopped in Dark Matter, and you apply force to it, it will create Dark Energy currents traveling thru the structure thus presenting resistance. So, the tendency of a body to maintain its state of rest or uniform motion unless acted upon by an external force, is 99.9% accurate. I say 99.9% because, a body traveling in Calm, Dark Matter Space, would encounter a tiny resistive force of polarized space. (The Pioneer Anomaly).

To repeat an important fact - Gravity and Anti-Gravity permanently changes the size of Dark Matter particles, but, Dark Energy does not.  So, the million dollar answer to the question, What is causing the expansion of the Universe?  It is none other than Anti-Gravity, with its weakening force, and a decrease in magnetic polarization, not Dark Energy.


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