The Birth of Stars
and so it Begins

All the evidence points to the existence of Anti-Gravity, as the Cause and Conclusion of Spontaneous Fusion.

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Old outdated thinking - In the early expanding Universe most scientists believe there was Hydrogen, Helium and Lithium. It is theorized that energy from a "Singularity" created a Primal Soup of substance, and, this substance in turn, created Quarks, Leptons and Bosons. Now, in this sub, sub atomic world, these particles aligned in different ways to create Protons, Neutrons, Electrons and Neutrinos. Next, it is theorized that these particles now have all the ingredients to then produce the primary elements of Hydrogen, Helium and Lithium. TLU says, this theory has some major flaws, and violates too many rules to be credible. Here at TLU we use different criteria for handling and forecasting the unknown.

TLU Theory - All the evidence suggests that in the Early Dark Matter Universe there were only Universal Particles, Protons, Electrons, Quantum and Magnetic fields. As you know Hydrogen (the fundamental element) - (Primal Hydrogen) only has one proton, one electron and quantum fields. These are the basic and complete ingredients to form a First Generation Star.  All that is missing is Gravity and Anti-Gravity. These energy's occur when the expansion of the Cosmos relaxes.

Now it gets interesting. Because of the cosmic expansion force, Neutrons and Neutrino's are not present at this moment in time. It takes compression of the Proton and or Electron's to create these particles. This specific energy can only happen in a fusion or fission compression event, as previously explained. This means in the early universe, Helium, Deuterium and Lithium can't exist because they all require Neutrons. For a complete explanation on how the first stars are created, see the Quantum Fields page, item 8.

So, the conclusion is, The very first stars that formed had to be Proton (Primal Hydrogen) Fusion Stars only. (b) As stars are born and create elements, they use up their hydrogen and their Anti-Gravity diminishes. After they lose this pushing force, and there is still lots of gravity from space, SML failure most likely will occur in the stars peripheral fields. (bang). I say most likely because there is an exception, small stars with less gravity from space will not produce a nuclear explosion in these fields. (c) Supernova - After SML failure occurs in a stars outer fields, a compression force of what's left of the stellar body, produces even more Neutrons in addition to the ones created by Fusion. This abundance of young Neutrons with higher potential energy, can pare up with Protons that have the same energy level. This is what creates heavier elements. Depending on the volume of Hydrogen left after SML failure, these first generation stars can even create, Black Stars. 

In the case of 2nd, 3rd and even 4th Generation Stars, there are more elements in their forming cores, but its the Proton that kicks things off. This is because Proton Gravity can be overwhelmed by spinning, contracting, Compacting Quantum Fields, thus producing an Anti-Gravity phenomena. * And finally, it is doubtful that spontaneous fusion could occur if basic Protons of the fledgling Dark Matter Universe, were pared with a Neutron. This is because the protons couldn't be compressed enough.


  The Sun's Gravity

A Very important observation that needs to be properly explained. (Temperatures)


Undisputed Observations - Are you ready for this? This is a big one. The sun's Corona has a temperature of 6,000,000 degrees Celsius. (Inner Corona - 10,000 degrees) - (Lower Corona - 4,000 degrees) - And at the surface, the temperature is only 5,778 degrees. (Celsius). What is going on with our sun?  

TLU predicts in all Fusion Stars, their gravitational attraction stops in the Fusion Zone. This is the area where there is equal gravity and anti-gravity. (pulling, pushing force). As Universal Particles and debris from space are pulled into the sun, and get closer to the star's fusion zone, they increase spin, heat and magnetism. Most of the intense light and heat you observe is coming from the corona, and is a direct result of universal particle contraction. When space particles, and or structure's run into the suns excess expansion energy, caused by nuclear fusion, they produce even more energy. In this zone, it is gravity that is responsible for a loss of SML in bodies from space, which in turn, creates atomic and sub-atomic particles along with increased light heat and magnetic force from all. At the surface there is the squeeze area of protons because of anti-gravity. This is because, below the surface there is expanding quantum fields of hydrogen atoms. As you know increasing spherical particle mass has a cooling effect with diminishing heat.

Now for a major re-think of The Standard Model. TLU says, in the core of the Sun, (Stars) there is no support for nuclear fusion. Yes, that is exactly what we are predicting. This is because of compression, anti-gravity, and the high potential energy of atoms that are still in a SML state. There is too little movement of protons, quantum fields or spin energy, thus no ability to merge. As a proto-star decompresses, the protons and quantum fields in the outer perimeter fields become fluid with more spatial energy. Then, and only then, are the atoms capable of fusion. That's why fusion occurs in the stars outer fields only, not in the core.

It is important to note at this point in TLU theory, spontaneous fusion will stop with the creation of Iron, even though other atomic quantum fields may have anti-gravity. This is because of the protons internal spin. This level of proton energy was set at the moment of proton formation from the Big Bang. Gravity stops when the Proton internal spin has no more pulling power. Gravity cant, and will not run-away with itself. (gravity is the pulling force of universal particles).

In the case of second, third, or even forth generation stars, there are usually, but not always, heavier elements that reside in the cores of active stars. These atoms were made in Super Nova explosions and are not capable of sustaining a fusion reaction, but, they in turn will enrich the cosmos when released from their captivity. As you know these elements are abundant in our own solar system and star.

* Fitting all these observations with known science, evolution, relativity, mathematical plausibility and logic, shows there is no room for error. With each piece of the puzzle in place, the factor of uncertainty goes down. It is the conclusion of The Logical Universe, and, overwhelming evidence, that there is no support for fusion reactions to take place in a stars core. This is because of low active particle spin, condensed quantum fields and high compression. On the other hand, there is a mountain of evidence for peripheral fusion. Simply put, it fits with all we know, and, with no known contradictions.


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