Hans Bath 1906-2005

Proton / Neutron Coupling
Quantum field Fusion

1 Proton - 1 Electron - no Neutron - (primal Hydrogen)

There are Isotopes of Hydrogen that have Neutrons
but the Element H always has only one Proton

2 proton - 2 neutron - 2 electron

There are Isotopes that have more Neutrons
but the Element He always has only 2 Protons
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* Proton Fusion - Proton Fusion is one of the fundamental events of the Universe. This is where the open ccw fields of the Proton structure, force their way thru the proton axis and fuse together. This creates a Neutron and eliminates the positive charge that the proton once had. Now both cw and ccw loops are closed, and the Proton is no more. The young Neutron can now navigate freely thru Quantum Fields with no Polarized Magnetic Interference. As you will see this is a very important aspect of the Neutrons characteristics.

Hydrogen Fusion is really Proton / Neutron Coupling, and Quantum Field Fusion. It is all made possible because of Gravity and Anti-Gravity. -

Spontaneous Fusion - 
(a) It is gravity that first attracts Protons and Dark Matter Particles together in a dense cloud. As the cloud becomes more compact, it will begin rotating. (b) As the protons gravitational attraction continues, rotation will accelerate. When the rotation energy of the cloud reaches a certain threshold, proton gravity weakens, but spin energy continues compressing the cloud even more. This pulls spinning Protons and Dark Matter particles closer together, and their Quantum Fields interact. As you know, it is the equatorial magnetic ring fields of dark matter particles, that creates, and or, enhances the bonding of atomic structures. (c) As cloud spinning progresses, the quantum fields of protons in the interior get compressed even more, but with a slowing, stronger, pushing force. They now have more potential and less active energy. This phenomenon is the force of Anti-Gravity. (d) The cloud has now become a layered structure with protons, quantum fields, and the gravitational attraction of the perimeter, with a gradual compression force of these particles and their fields as you move towards the core. (e) There is a zone where gravity of space, and anti-gravity of the cloud, are equal. This is the place where fusion of Hydrogen can occur. (f) The anti-gravitational pressure of the proton ring fields, runs into the high, external energy of proto-star gravity. It is the pushing force of Anti-Gravity that increases pressure on the protons and their fields.

* (NP) - The (N) represents a nucleus of a Hydrogen core field with one Neutron, and the capitol (P) is a hydrogen core field with one Proton). * Another important observation about spontaneous fusion, there are different levels. See the Thermodynamics page for this important information.

When there is the right pole and plane orientation in the outer field of a massive spinning Proton cloud, the pushing force of internal Anti-Gravity against the Gravity of Space, causes a compression of some Protons and Perimeter Quantum Fields. When this happens, it causes the counter rotational non-looping fields of some protons thru their axis, thus creating Neutrons. The Protons that were converted, are now surrounded by weakening quantum ring fields, in a spinning Anti-Gravity cloud.
(g) The former proton inner Ring Fields, now have a neutral charge. This allows more protons to enter the area but they are not converted because of the bigger relaxed no charge ring fields. The atomic core fields are now configured (NP). The affected fields have become larger with a low but increasingly positive charge, so the (NP) ring core fields strengthens a little bit. (i) When more protons enter the region, they get converted because of the strengthening fields, along with compression. The nucleus in the changing ring fields of Protons are now configured (NPN). Don't forget they all still reside in a spinning Anti-Gravity Cloud. We are not done yet. (j) The current (NPN) configuration of the nucleus ring fields have a lesser charge and are relaxing once more. This presents a hole for another proton. (k) When another Proton inters the area there is no conversion, but the hole is filled, and the area becomes much more positive. The core ring fields are now configured NPNP. That's it, the balance of Gravity, Anti-Gravity and Helium atomic force, has been realized. There will be no more conversion. Helium Nuclei quickly rebuild quantum fields. (l) Because the former multiple quantum fields of Hydrogen have now consolidated, there is a vast excess of free particles, with enormous leftover particle energy. This releases huge numbers of UDMP's with spin, compression, heat and light energy. A first generation Star has just been created. Oh-My! If you still have questions about this sequence, a slightly more detailed explanation is available on the Quantum Fields page, item 8.

This fusion analogy conflicts with the Standard Model, because it is assumed that a high compression of stellar core Gravity is needed to fuse the Hydrogen into Helium. This stems from a misunderstanding of the physics of Gravity and Anti-Gravity. Fusion can only occur if you have the right proton, neutron orientation, elasticity and movement. This does not occur in the core, but it does in the equalized gravity anti-gravity perimeter fields. There is no evidence for core fusion, so, it is a concept without proof. On the contrary, there is plenty of evidence for peripheral fusion. (compacting the stellar core decreases proton neutron movement) - Stellar core Gravity can not and will not, runaway with itself, it stops, and Anti-Gravity takes over. The Gravity / Anti-Gravity phenomena is critical to explain how stars are born, evolve, and die, thus creating heavier and heavier elements and body's.

Primary Fusion
 and Rudimentary Elements

Dmitri Mendeleev 1834-1907

Now that we have established how Spontaneous Fusion begins, then creates Neutrons and binds them with Protons, thus creating Hydrogen atoms, things are about to get more complex.

When a star's Hydrogen fuel has been substantially depleted, but it still has plenty of Protons and Neutrons along with Anti-Gravity, it goes to work on fusing the now abundant Helium Atoms with new Neutron, Proton parings. This is a more complex process but is not hard to understand if you have the basics right. The fusion band continues to create Neutrons and bond them to Protons. This in turn, can attach combinations of Protons and Neutrons to a Helium Nucleus or the Nucleus of other heavier elements, thus creating different atomic structures.

The next element on the periodic table is Lithium with 3 protons, but, there are isotopes (Lithium 7). This means that the new elements can have complex Proton Neutron pairings and differing quantum fields but they do form their own structures because of nucleus spin energy.
(b) Each time an element is created it forms only one quantum ring and torus field system. All the fields of the Protons or the Proton Neutron Nuclei, that have abandoned their individual, original quantum structures, have become a single new atom, with a single field structure. This produces a large abundance of free particles and energy, and compresses the area until all Universal Particles can equalize. Notice that Lithium is heavier than Hydrogen. This has an important effect with Anti-Gravity.  

Continuing up the Periodic Table there is Beryllium 9, Boron 11, Carbon 12, and so on, and so on. The process of attaching Protons to Neutrons and Atomic Nuclei are the same, but with a continued depletion of available particles, fusible nuclei, and Anti-Gravity. When the process of fusing Silicone 28 begins and ends, it has been theorized that you wind up with Iron 56, TLU goes along with this because there is a complex mathematical explanation that seams to confirm the paring of Atomic Nuclei, along with Protons and Neutrons. It has to be physically possible. In other words, the numbers have to add up.

Now for a big, big conclusion.  TLU predicts that
Iron, is the end of the road for Spontaneous Fusion. What? Why? How?  This is because of the energy level of the Proton and Neutron. They can no longer stick together. They have become too compressed at this energy level. They have to have more spin energy and smaller Universal Particles with a new magnetic lock to continue.

Finally - When a Star loses its Anti-Gravity because of the depletion of Fuel, and or, Spin Compression, it is at the mercy of the Gravity of The Dark Matter particles from space. Depending on the size of the star and all its components, a ripping apart of particle structures in the Fusion Band is a real possibility.
(b) The end game of fusion - Small Stars no explosion, Big stars go Nova, Huge stars go Super Nova, and Extreme Stars create a colossal compression field, along with a super concentration of Universal Particles only. There are no Protons, no Electrons, and no Neutrons. It is a Cosmic Wonder; a Black Star. This is because Matter can not be created or destroyed. - TLU ... 

  Atomic Magnetic Compression
Fusion / Fission

Fusion in the Torus Tokamak

Fusion? Hell No... This is the power of Fission

In TLU, it is logically possible to achieve a sustained Hydrogen Fusion reaction without the force of Gravity / Anti-Gravity, and just use protons, quantum fields and magnetic force. This requires different criteria. (a) For fusion to occur, there must be the right amount of mobility for protons in a hydrogen field to orientate. (b) There must be the right amount of pressure (Magnetic Force) so the newly established nucleus can spin, combine and create new quantum structure. (c) There must be an environment for Hydrogen to exist next to a fusion reaction, but, not quite in a fusible state. (d) There must be connectivity for adjoining atoms to replenish a fusion reaction. (compression, containment area). (e) There must be enough Strong Nuclear Force to keep the reaction in place but allow venting. As you can see this may be possible, but, to achieve these parameters there are some very big engineering problems. It is all about being able to manipulate a magnetic environment to achieve what nature does so easily.

* A Neutron Bomb - Now for something that nobody has considered. In TLU theory, when Protons are squeezed hard and from all sides, the pressure causes its non-looping Torus fields thru the center of the protons spinning axis. This converts it into a Neutron. What? Yes...  This event has ben backed up by countless observations and theoretical compatibility. How else would a Neutron be made? Certainly not by harmonious pairing of QLBHF particles in the center of a super compressed invironment. Like the center of a Atom Bomb. So the conclusion is, yes there is fusion in a Nuclear Bomb but it is not the combining of Lithium-deuteride molecules, it is the closing of the ccw torus fields of Protons. This in turn creates extreme numbers of Neutrons, with super high energy levels, and accounts for the vast number of atomic core collisions all at once. The energy release is not the relatively slow fusion process, it is the fast energy release of Fission

Sun Spots with Magnetic Prominence

What are Sun Spots? - How are they Created? Why are the dark spots dark? - What are those oval light streaks? Now that we have an understanding about the suns creation, and compression decompression of Hydrogen, along with Gravity, Anti-Gravity, we can go ahead and explain the phenomena of Sun Spots. To my knowledge the Standard Model has never been clear about what's going on. This is because it was assumed that the core of the sun is hotter than the perimeter. In TLU theory this is not the case. This is because of compression. (potential energy of anti-gravity).

As previously theorized, the internal stellar matter is compressed hydrogen, with slower universal particle spin energy, but, still spinning in a locked state. This in turn accounts for the absence of light, but, not the absence of hydrogen protons and their ring quantum fields. When they decompress and run into the gravitational matter / energy from space, the hydrogen atoms fuse into Helium. This releases copious amounts of Hydrogen / Helium Plasma, and the expansion energy of freed up quantum fields.  

Now it gets interesting. Because of anomalies, the swirling excess plasma in some instances, concentrates in the foot of the suns chromosphere. There is nowhere to go but up. The swirling plasma pokes thru the atmosphere and forms particle magnetic strings. this opens a hole in the chromosphere and exposes some of the suns inner region. It is darker there because the exposed Hydrogen layer is still too compressed to vibrate in the light spectrum.  Lastly, depending on the volume of excess plasma, and the amount of swirling magnetic spin energy the fusion process has created, determines the size and degree of the magnetic torus loops.

That's it, the logical conclusion of sun spots. I know, I know, this is not what scientists want to hear. TLU says not so fast. You have to consider all evidence and don't try to fit it with dubious speculations of a stars internal activity. To my knowledge, the current thinking about a stars core energy is only a concept. There is no substantial proof to confirm traditional 100 year old theory's. TLU says, when you add up all these observations and compare them with a powerful non-conflicting theory of the Universe, guess what? It Fits.


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